Deadpool 2: TJ Miller will stay, film not going to do a Christopher Plummer

Despite potentially having time to

Jack Shepherd
Tuesday 09 January 2018 13:33 GMT
Deadpool 2: Wet on Wet Teaser

TJ Miller was accused last year of sexually assaulting a woman while at college, claims the actor and comedian strenuously denied. The accusations caused an uproar online, leading many Deadpool fans to call on Fox to remove the actor from the upcoming sequel.

Many put forward the idea that they should replace Miller with Christopher Plummer, the actor who replaced Kevin Spacey in Ridley Scott’s All the Money in the World just months before release, making for a particularly fitting meta-joke.

With Deadpool 2 reaching cinemas on the 1 June, the filmmakers also have more time than Scott had to replace the actor. However, Lauren Shuler Donner — the film’s producer who has also helped oversee Fox’s X-Men universe — said replacing Miller with anyone so late into production was unlikely.

“We’re in the final editing,” she told Rotten Tomatoes. “I don’t think so.”

Whether Miller remains on as the character Weasel in further Deadpool films (a third was previously announced) has not been decided and will likely be decided by Disney once their deal to purchase Fox finishes.

“That’s a whole studio thing,” Shuler Donner added. “I don’t know.”

During the same interview, the producer also spoke candidly about X-Men: The Last Stand director Brett Ratner who Ellen Page previously claimed told another actress on that film’s set: “You should f**k [Page] to make her realise she’s gay.”

“I back her up 100 percent,” Shuler Donner told the publication. “Absolutely. He’s horrible. I’m aware he’s very demeaning to women, extremely demeaning to women, myself included. Yes, I was aware. Anybody that’s female, he’s demeaning.”

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